Sunday, January 13, 2008


Today I went to the shop to take a few quick measurements and remove the stuck valve from the head.

The valve stems measured at slightly below 4 mm for both a random intake and random exhaust valve.

The valve lift was measured at (33,2 - 25,2) 8 mm for intake, and (32,7 - 25,2) 7,5 mm for exhaust.

Removing the stuck valve from the head was quite easy. I have bought some small grinding tips from Proxxon for my mini grinder, and they cleared the head just fine. So two minutes of grinding, and the valve was out.

I also removed the bearing shells from con rod nr. 3, there is some slight discolouration on the back of the bearing shells. I'll try to get a photo of it. The bearings are marked F-112 (the bearing type) and 050D (for size I guess).

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